
Agenda for BHHOA Annual Meeting November 14

7:00 PM at the Summit County Council Chambers

  1. Call to Order

  2. Filing of Proxies

  3. Filing and Approval of Minutes – Carleton Watkins (Secretary)

  4. Financial report – Tina McCluskey

  5. Reports of Officers, Boards and Committees

    1. Weeds – Mike McCluskey

      1. Report – 2024

      2. Plan for 2025

    2. Architectural Review – Tracy

      1. Applications and approvals

      2. Out of compliance update

    3. Roads – Tracy

      1. Maintenance & Spending Report – 2024

      2. New plan going forward. Discuss and vote on 5-year plan

        1. 2025 – Patches and Chip seal as much of Bridge Hollow/West Spring Hill as possible

        2. 2026 – Patches and Chip seal Overlook and North Ridge

        3. 2027 – Patches and Chip seal East Spring Hill, Deer Haven and Oak Haven

        4. 2028 - Patches and crack Seal

        5. 2029 & onward – Minimal Patches, Crack seal & Chip seal where needed.

    4. Gate – Tracy

      1. Report – 2024

      2. Improvements and recommendations

      3. Directory requests

      4. App availability

    5. Snowplow Committee – Tracy

      1. Contractor selection

      2. Be aware of new contract conditions

      3. Tee Post Committee – JS & CW

      4. Vote to go out for bids or extend the current contract another 3 years

  6. Unfinished business - None

  7. New Business

    1. Election of the following Vacating Board Member positions:

      1. Tina McCluskey

      2. Randy Lowman

    2. Read/keep your emails

    3. Pick up Trash in the community

    4. Wanship Water plans to begin activities through Bridge Hollow with their new Water line and tank Spring of ‘25

    5. Discussion and voting on a member’s proposal to revise CCR’s and Bylaws to allow detached Accessory Dwelling Units in Bridge Hollow

    6. Other new Business

  8. Close